So this is a new piece. I am building and developing some new techniques starting from the Catherine piece done a few months ago.

I wanted to explore color. I liked the gray values in the Catherine piece and I wanted to keep with a values scheme that did not have to great contrast, meaning - I wanted to keep the colors light to medium, not too much dark except for the stitching and to add a little depth. This work is based on the original painting created by Han Holbein. Beautiful, I might add.

My image is a digital print from a portrait of young Catherine of Aragon, done by Hans Holbein, before she became Queen of England. I will be pumping up the color in some features and adding some additional stitching.Here are two shots of the work.

After looking at these pieces together I am realizing that I really like the way textures in the Catherine piece play off each other. Even though there is not much contrast with darks and lights the texture makes it interesting. For this new work of young Catherine I will have to balance the amount of color and get the texture to a satisfying place. At this point I think the stitching is not enough. It needs to be enhanced. We whall see.