The next three images are from a work I am doing currently. It is a mixture of painting, simiplified quilt and embroidery. I am a painter by history but enjoy many ways of working and thought I might try combining them. I am working on a conceptual series about woman as represented in history with the eye of the beholder being myself (a modern woman). The techniques and materials are chosen to suit the concept.
This is the work in which I have been using the French Knot....and yes, it is quite easy. Keep in mind, these are excerpts from a much larger piece so they are out of context to some degree. Also, remember it is a work in progress so it is by no means finished, cleaned up or photographed quite the way I will ultimately want. Next time, I will post a photo of the full, unfinished piece so you can see where I am coming from.
For those of you who are interested, this work is done with wool on white vinyl. Again, the choice of material has to do with the overall concept of the series.
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