Come see my work at Saatchi Gallery online. I am trying something new but it seem like a great site and good resource for artists and art appreciators.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Thanks to an instructor, Diego Sanchez, I have been thinking about the surfaces of my canvases. Upon a suggestion I tried 'rusting' some canvas pieces. The story is, I went to the local car garage and asked if they might have some left over metal scraps and braced myself for some kind of shocked reply. To my surprise they did not make too much of a fuss about the odd request and led me to their spare parts area. A mechanic and myself rummaged through the drawers and found some great nuts and bolts...literally. He was helpful in that he showed me which ones had special coatings and would not rust...I am sure this saved me much time in that I did not try to rust items with this special coating :) Anyway, I took them home, found some scraps of canvas and then had some other ideas.
I added lots of tea. This link leads you to the Republic of Tea, as it is nice tea. Of course I would not add 'The Republic of Tea' but maybe some Lipton. Click the link for a good recipe. So anyway, I just poured straight from the tea bag on to the bits of canvas. Next, I went off with my two daughters into the woods to find berries. We had a lot of fun but did not come up with great berries...wrong time of year! So, we took the orange berries we had, went home and bashed them into the little pouches of nuts and bolts. They were then wrapped up, soaked with water (with some added salt, as the mechanic said this would help the rusting process) and buried. I left them for about a week or two that way and then out in the air for about a week.
These images are what came out of all this intriguing work. Click the image to enlarge, as you will see much better detail, and can appreciate the beauty in it more. You can be sure you will see this technique in more of my work!
Thanks to an instructor, Diego Sanchez, I have been thinking about the surfaces of my canvases. Upon a suggestion I tried 'rusting' some canvas pieces. The story is, I went to the local car garage and asked if they might have some left over metal scraps and braced myself for some kind of shocked reply. To my surprise they did not make too much of a fuss about the odd request and led me to their spare parts area. A mechanic and myself rummaged through the drawers and found some great nuts and bolts...literally. He was helpful in that he showed me which ones had special coatings and would not rust...I am sure this saved me much time in that I did not try to rust items with this special coating :) Anyway, I took them home, found some scraps of canvas and then had some other ideas.
I added lots of tea. This link leads you to the Republic of Tea, as it is nice tea. Of course I would not add 'The Republic of Tea' but maybe some Lipton. Click the link for a good recipe. So anyway, I just poured straight from the tea bag on to the bits of canvas. Next, I went off with my two daughters into the woods to find berries. We had a lot of fun but did not come up with great berries...wrong time of year! So, we took the orange berries we had, went home and bashed them into the little pouches of nuts and bolts. They were then wrapped up, soaked with water (with some added salt, as the mechanic said this would help the rusting process) and buried. I left them for about a week or two that way and then out in the air for about a week.
These images are what came out of all this intriguing work. Click the image to enlarge, as you will see much better detail, and can appreciate the beauty in it more. You can be sure you will see this technique in more of my work!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Sometimes it is easier for me to think about my pieces as a series. In that way, it frees me from being too careful on the piece I am working on. If I think of it as a final piece I tend to analyze it more and be more hesitant about trying different techniques. The original Smoot painting I did was an experiment for me. I do like the way it came out but then again it did not match my vision exactly so I am reworking it again. I am using other materials but similar colors and size. It will be the second in a series. The series is about the disintegration and rejuvenation of the original. I am experimenting with how the piece will look in slightly different styles and materials.
Sometimes it is easier for me to think about my pieces as a series. In that way, it frees me from being too careful on the piece I am working on. If I think of it as a final piece I tend to analyze it more and be more hesitant about trying different techniques. The original Smoot painting I did was an experiment for me. I do like the way it came out but then again it did not match my vision exactly so I am reworking it again. I am using other materials but similar colors and size. It will be the second in a series. The series is about the disintegration and rejuvenation of the original. I am experimenting with how the piece will look in slightly different styles and materials.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Well, it seems I am having trouble keeping up these days. Lately, I have spent all my free time working. Well, and turkey day of course. So, I have a couple of events about town where you can see my work and enjoy a good time. The White Canvas gallery has a couple of my pieces hanging, as well as, an assortment of very fine artists. Show is November 17th - Janurary 2nd. You could also slip on over to LaDiff furnishings which is always fun! Also, if you haven't heard Art Karma is coming. This is a silent auction fundraiser for Art 180 - "young people turning lives and communities around through art'. I have a piece in the auction. The auction is November 29th, 7-10pm. Enjoy!
I have also added some new images of my work BOUND. Almost finished now!
Well, it seems I am having trouble keeping up these days. Lately, I have spent all my free time working. Well, and turkey day of course. So, I have a couple of events about town where you can see my work and enjoy a good time. The White Canvas gallery has a couple of my pieces hanging, as well as, an assortment of very fine artists. Show is November 17th - Janurary 2nd. You could also slip on over to LaDiff furnishings which is always fun! Also, if you haven't heard Art Karma is coming. This is a silent auction fundraiser for Art 180 - "young people turning lives and communities around through art'. I have a piece in the auction. The auction is November 29th, 7-10pm. Enjoy!
I have also added some new images of my work BOUND. Almost finished now!
Monday, November 12, 2007
These works really evolve in such tiny steps but once the whole is completed it is cohesive...I hope. Here are some detail photos of what I am working on now and a bit more of my how I proceed with planning and execution.
Here is a detail of some sequins and beads on the bodice of the dress.
Beading on the neck piece.
Hand stitched lettering. This is taking a LONG time!
An excerpt from my journal:
"BOUND" 11/12/07
I wanted to add text. I first thought I would do this on the boning (which is not added yet) but for many reasons this idea wont work. I remembered that 16th century portraits sometimes incorporated text. So, I have done some light research on the web. Most seem to incorporate the date with Roman numerals. It seems as if the sitters name, birth date, and portrait artists name are occasionally included. Sometimes it is a philosophical statement or something written by a notable (man) of the time. I chose to use a proverb supposedly first known to be used in the 16th or 17th century. "Silence is a womans best friend'. I chose to reproduce this, the date and my initials in Latin.
These works really evolve in such tiny steps but once the whole is completed it is cohesive...I hope. Here are some detail photos of what I am working on now and a bit more of my how I proceed with planning and execution.
An excerpt from my journal:
"BOUND" 11/12/07
I wanted to add text. I first thought I would do this on the boning (which is not added yet) but for many reasons this idea wont work. I remembered that 16th century portraits sometimes incorporated text. So, I have done some light research on the web. Most seem to incorporate the date with Roman numerals. It seems as if the sitters name, birth date, and portrait artists name are occasionally included. Sometimes it is a philosophical statement or something written by a notable (man) of the time. I chose to use a proverb supposedly first known to be used in the 16th or 17th century. "Silence is a womans best friend'. I chose to reproduce this, the date and my initials in Latin.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Well, the embellishment on the previous piece is going very this kind of beading I thought I would post the dresses I am making for my two little girls. The hem is not finished so it look very long. The girls will be flower girls at my sisters upcoming wedding. I will tell you, I am very happy with the results but the process was difficult. Thank goodness my mother was helping. The gathering of the satin and tulle just about killed me! That really stretched my patience. Some tedious tasks I don't mind....that was not one of them! Hope you love them Paloma!!
Well, the embellishment on the previous piece is going very this kind of beading I thought I would post the dresses I am making for my two little girls. The hem is not finished so it look very long. The girls will be flower girls at my sisters upcoming wedding. I will tell you, I am very happy with the results but the process was difficult. Thank goodness my mother was helping. The gathering of the satin and tulle just about killed me! That really stretched my patience. Some tedious tasks I don't mind....that was not one of them! Hope you love them Paloma!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
My work continues on my next piece. I am gearing up for my show at 'The White Gallery', Richmond, VA on Nov. 17th. I am having to frame some pieces and am also getting photos done of some pieces. The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts artists Fellowship deadline is coming up so I am having slides done to prepare for that. There really is alot of other 'behind the scene work' that needs to be done as an artist. It is not the glamorous side but must be done all the same.
I just love this work. I hope I will love it as much in the end. The colors really seem to pop and work well together. Hope you enjoy it. It will be much changed by the end!
My work continues on my next piece. I am gearing up for my show at 'The White Gallery', Richmond, VA on Nov. 17th. I am having to frame some pieces and am also getting photos done of some pieces. The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts artists Fellowship deadline is coming up so I am having slides done to prepare for that. There really is alot of other 'behind the scene work' that needs to be done as an artist. It is not the glamorous side but must be done all the same.
I just love this work. I hope I will love it as much in the end. The colors really seem to pop and work well together. Hope you enjoy it. It will be much changed by the end!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Well, judging for Wearable Art was last night. It was really fun to go and see all the different outfits. There was a large variety and skill levels. It is interesting to see peoples interpretations of wearable art! Mine was very tame comparatively. I also did not spend enough time on it. My critique of my work would be that the back out shined the front. The pleated A-line skirt did not really jive with the front. The major critique would be that it was more wearable than art, really. That would be the aspect I would put more time into doing differently next time.There were some exceptionally thought out and constructed pieces. It made me realize that this might not really be my thing. I loved it and it was fun but I am not sure I want to spend my time creating an outfit? Just a question I have to ask myself being that I am always so time crunched.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Here in Richmond, the 1708 gallery has a Wearable Art show each year. It is open to anyone and almost anything goes. So, I took on the challenge to create a one of a kind wearable art piece. Here it is. It is called Treading Water. Let me know what you think? More images to come after the show.
This is the entire piece viewed from the back. I added the shimmer with yarn.
Front of skirt.
Back of skirt.
Front of the top portion of outfit.
Detail of back illustrating pleating, however, the photo did not turn out too well.
Here in Richmond, the 1708 gallery has a Wearable Art show each year. It is open to anyone and almost anything goes. So, I took on the challenge to create a one of a kind wearable art piece. Here it is. It is called Treading Water. Let me know what you think? More images to come after the show.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
I am very busy lately so in order to figure out how to do all the things I want to do and do them to a decent degree of competence, I have had to pair down on some of the extraneous activities! I was fairly forced into this narrowing of focus thing. The story is, I have two young daughters and I have decided to stay home and mother them. Doing this means I have to be in their vicinity much of the time. Initially this caused some frustration as I was not able to be in my studio painting. Therefore, I took my painting to them.
First, I figured out I love fashion. For starters, I don't like to walk around in sweats all the time so I have to make some kind of decision about what to wear. When looking for items to wear I have become very conscious of their construction and fabrics. Making clothes is such a creative endeavor and fascinating to me. I enjoy sewing and you cant keep me out of the fabric/notions stores.
I began to think I would like to incorporate the things I love into my art in some way. I also have an appreciation for old photos. I think it started from inheriting a bunch of old family photos. They really engage ones imagination. Once again, I found myself interested in the clothing they wear in these images. Then I began to think about how these two things could be brought together with the portraits I already enjoyed creating. My work is now very multi-media with emphasis on fabric....which is portable and can be worked on around my children!
In this way, I took most of the things I spent time doing; shopping, looking at old images on the internet, reading fictional history, sewing and lumped them all into one body of work. As my work progresses I can image I will synthesize even more of my life and into these 'paintings'.
I am very busy lately so in order to figure out how to do all the things I want to do and do them to a decent degree of competence, I have had to pair down on some of the extraneous activities! I was fairly forced into this narrowing of focus thing. The story is, I have two young daughters and I have decided to stay home and mother them. Doing this means I have to be in their vicinity much of the time. Initially this caused some frustration as I was not able to be in my studio painting. Therefore, I took my painting to them.
First, I figured out I love fashion. For starters, I don't like to walk around in sweats all the time so I have to make some kind of decision about what to wear. When looking for items to wear I have become very conscious of their construction and fabrics. Making clothes is such a creative endeavor and fascinating to me. I enjoy sewing and you cant keep me out of the fabric/notions stores.
I began to think I would like to incorporate the things I love into my art in some way. I also have an appreciation for old photos. I think it started from inheriting a bunch of old family photos. They really engage ones imagination. Once again, I found myself interested in the clothing they wear in these images. Then I began to think about how these two things could be brought together with the portraits I already enjoyed creating. My work is now very multi-media with emphasis on fabric....which is portable and can be worked on around my children!
In this way, I took most of the things I spent time doing; shopping, looking at old images on the internet, reading fictional history, sewing and lumped them all into one body of work. As my work progresses I can image I will synthesize even more of my life and into these 'paintings'.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
I have been taking a painting class lately and have been forced to think about the process I use to create my art. I have often spoken to people who are curious about how I work, so I thought this might be a good place to discuss what happens inside my brain. I always tell people I have so many ideas of what to create that I cant actually keep up with them. I have begun to try and harness these ideas and formulate a process in order to finish some pieces in less time.
My journal is vital. I use it for so many purposes. I sketch out ideas. Once I create a piece, or if I am in the middle of creating a piece I will often have to write down certain techniques so I will be able to recreate them when I want to. If you always do this in a central place (the journal) you will be able to find it quickly and easily when you need it. I also use it to write down all my ideas. These could be just techniques I want to try. Often times I will think through the whole process and write it down. This saves me time when I actually sit down to try it. Other items I put in my journal are visual images. I collect whatever I see that catches my eye, magazine images, my photos, fabrics, candy wrapper....whatever! Our environments are so stimulating it is sometimes hard to narrow down our focus. I find it best to keep my journal at hand most of the time. I actually keep two just in case I cant find one or one is in my studio and one in my that is were the ideas flow sometimes!
More tomorrow on NARROWING YOUR FOCUS tomorrow. ( I am writing on this topic as this is sometimes VERY difficult for me)!
I have been taking a painting class lately and have been forced to think about the process I use to create my art. I have often spoken to people who are curious about how I work, so I thought this might be a good place to discuss what happens inside my brain. I always tell people I have so many ideas of what to create that I cant actually keep up with them. I have begun to try and harness these ideas and formulate a process in order to finish some pieces in less time.
My journal is vital. I use it for so many purposes. I sketch out ideas. Once I create a piece, or if I am in the middle of creating a piece I will often have to write down certain techniques so I will be able to recreate them when I want to. If you always do this in a central place (the journal) you will be able to find it quickly and easily when you need it. I also use it to write down all my ideas. These could be just techniques I want to try. Often times I will think through the whole process and write it down. This saves me time when I actually sit down to try it. Other items I put in my journal are visual images. I collect whatever I see that catches my eye, magazine images, my photos, fabrics, candy wrapper....whatever! Our environments are so stimulating it is sometimes hard to narrow down our focus. I find it best to keep my journal at hand most of the time. I actually keep two just in case I cant find one or one is in my studio and one in my that is were the ideas flow sometimes!
More tomorrow on NARROWING YOUR FOCUS tomorrow. ( I am writing on this topic as this is sometimes VERY difficult for me)!
Monday, October 08, 2007
Sunday, October 07, 2007
So, my work is all over the place right now. Meaning, I am not focused on one piece. It is just a function of having to wait for things to dry or new supplies to come. Sometimes working this way seems to work for me and then other times I feel like I am getting nothing done. I know it will come together in the end but I am in the stage of feeling that it is not coming together. Really when you think about it though. Is anything ever really done? I could work forever and not be finished!
The following work is a smattering of what is going on with my work right now. The good news is I have gotten some pieces into a Christmas show, kicking off in November at the White Canvas gallery, Richmond, VA. Please visit. Here are a few examples.
The following is a stencil which I created for the work that follows it.

So, my work is all over the place right now. Meaning, I am not focused on one piece. It is just a function of having to wait for things to dry or new supplies to come. Sometimes working this way seems to work for me and then other times I feel like I am getting nothing done. I know it will come together in the end but I am in the stage of feeling that it is not coming together. Really when you think about it though. Is anything ever really done? I could work forever and not be finished!
The following work is a smattering of what is going on with my work right now. The good news is I have gotten some pieces into a Christmas show, kicking off in November at the White Canvas gallery, Richmond, VA. Please visit. Here are a few examples.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Okay, so I did disappear. It is truly amazing that you can just log right back on as if no time has gone by at all! Love it. So this is going to be a very short post as I have been working all evening and now am very tired. Just wanted to let you all know I am here again. My hard drive had crashed..........YEAKS!!!!!!!. Lost alot of work, that will teach me. However, it did give me a few more moments in the studio as I was not wasting time surfing!
The above work is 99 percent complete. Leaving you with a detail shot. ENJOY!
The above work is 99 percent complete. Leaving you with a detail shot. ENJOY!
Monday, September 03, 2007
Well, I am still here. I took a late summer hiatus. First vacation and then computer break down! I am back however and ready to go. Just before I left for vacation I sent out a ton of CD's (really taxing!) and am starting to hear back. That is gratifying. I am coming up with some new ideas, both for my work and for the blog so keep checking back. I will hopefully, have some new stuff up for you soon. I think I really need to structure my blogging better so I can have more regular updates and info. Happy blogging and I will be in touch soon.
Well, I am still here. I took a late summer hiatus. First vacation and then computer break down! I am back however and ready to go. Just before I left for vacation I sent out a ton of CD's (really taxing!) and am starting to hear back. That is gratifying. I am coming up with some new ideas, both for my work and for the blog so keep checking back. I will hopefully, have some new stuff up for you soon. I think I really need to structure my blogging better so I can have more regular updates and info. Happy blogging and I will be in touch soon.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Sorry it has been awhile since I last posted. I have been doing alot of little experiments on fabric and wood. tying to integrate some fun painting techniques with stitching and fabric. This has been fun but maybe not so interesting for the blog. I have a couple examples here.
The last image is not really completed but I wanted to post it so you will be able to see a bit of the process as I continue to experiment.
In addition to that work I am thinking up another series of work. It still has to do with woman and society but I am going to experiment with photography. This is a departure from the fabric work but I like to switch it up and I love photography. I will work with the images on the computer and manipulate them. This is also alot of fun. However, it takes lots of time. Like everything!
Sorry it has been awhile since I last posted. I have been doing alot of little experiments on fabric and wood. tying to integrate some fun painting techniques with stitching and fabric. This has been fun but maybe not so interesting for the blog. I have a couple examples here.
In addition to that work I am thinking up another series of work. It still has to do with woman and society but I am going to experiment with photography. This is a departure from the fabric work but I like to switch it up and I love photography. I will work with the images on the computer and manipulate them. This is also alot of fun. However, it takes lots of time. Like everything!
Friday, August 03, 2007
The following are some pieces, one of which is older, that I am experimenting with. I a working with layers and techniques with lace and blackwork. The pieces are smaller so they don't take as long. After that I will try to incorporate what I have learned into some larger pieces. The first to the left is some of the materials I used and set out before I began. I wanted to make sure I did not forget anything.
This one you will probably see again in some different forms. I love the way it turned out.

You may recall this one. This was done on putty and plaster and coated with wax. The painting is done in oil.
This is the 'sketch' for Smoot. I wanted you to be able to see the painting effect on the images. This crackle is something I am working on. I will hopefully use it on a large scale in some new pieces.
This one you will probably see again in some different forms. I love the way it turned out.
This is the 'sketch' for Smoot. I wanted you to be able to see the painting effect on the images. This crackle is something I am working on. I will hopefully use it on a large scale in some new pieces.
Friday, July 27, 2007
So, I did not really make too many changes when we moved into our new house two years ago. Of course, I assumed I would get right to making the house the way I wanted it but life charged on and I made no changes. I have had plenty of plans and good intentions but I set this summer as time to get something accomplished. I have gotten to work and have something to show for it now. I have nearly completed some valances and painted a writing desk. See for yourself. The valances were a very fun and realitivly quick project. The hardest part was running around with two kids trying to find the right fabrics and trims for the right price.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
It is amazing how when I have a goal in my mind and I reach it after that I am at a complete loss. It is usually a few days to a week before I can regain any momentum again. I have completed what I wanted in my art for now and have been working on the 'business' part....filling out forms and creating CD's to send to galleries. It is amazing how boring this can be after putting so much thought and effort into 'pieces'. I guess it has to be done but I feel like I suffer in the interim. My brain fills with ideas but I don't want to start new projects before I finish the 'business' of what has to be done. I just have to hope that it is fruitful and I can get a show because the event is the best! Anyway, I am in that interim and have been doing some house projects to fill the creative time I need to keep me going. Maybe I'll post a few of these. I do have to say my house benefits in times like these. After this hiatus I will definitely be back to the 'pieces'. I have plenty of ideas and am working a few out. Very excited for the near future. Sorry to bore you! Back to business as usual soon.
It is amazing how when I have a goal in my mind and I reach it after that I am at a complete loss. It is usually a few days to a week before I can regain any momentum again. I have completed what I wanted in my art for now and have been working on the 'business' part....filling out forms and creating CD's to send to galleries. It is amazing how boring this can be after putting so much thought and effort into 'pieces'. I guess it has to be done but I feel like I suffer in the interim. My brain fills with ideas but I don't want to start new projects before I finish the 'business' of what has to be done. I just have to hope that it is fruitful and I can get a show because the event is the best! Anyway, I am in that interim and have been doing some house projects to fill the creative time I need to keep me going. Maybe I'll post a few of these. I do have to say my house benefits in times like these. After this hiatus I will definitely be back to the 'pieces'. I have plenty of ideas and am working a few out. Very excited for the near future. Sorry to bore you! Back to business as usual soon.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007

This was a weekend project. I had been in the fabric store several weeks back for one thing or another and came across this great fabric. I have been wanting a summer dress and decided this would be great. What do you think? I am pleased and I am feeling more confident with my sewing skills. All this work is starting to pay off!
This was a weekend project. I had been in the fabric store several weeks back for one thing or another and came across this great fabric. I have been wanting a summer dress and decided this would be great. What do you think? I am pleased and I am feeling more confident with my sewing skills. All this work is starting to pay off!
Monday, July 16, 2007
As before I am giving you different views of the finished piece. I think when I crop the image tight to the piece you can't really get a feeling for it in the same way. I really wish you could see it in person because it is quite different. The colors are richer and you can really enjoy the details up close. So here are the shots.

This is just a closer detail so you can see the construction a bit more.

The last two shots are of the sequins I added last. They seem a bit much but I like the way they add another dimension to the work. I took two shots; in the first you can read what is the title of the piece, CHILDREN SHOULD BE SEEN NOT HEARD. The second is taken so you can see the reflectiveness of the sequin.

I hope you have enjoyed this long drawn out process. Next time I will spice it up a bit as I am experimenting a little. Well see what happens!
As before I am giving you different views of the finished piece. I think when I crop the image tight to the piece you can't really get a feeling for it in the same way. I really wish you could see it in person because it is quite different. The colors are richer and you can really enjoy the details up close. So here are the shots.
This is just a closer detail so you can see the construction a bit more.
The last two shots are of the sequins I added last. They seem a bit much but I like the way they add another dimension to the work. I took two shots; in the first you can read what is the title of the piece, CHILDREN SHOULD BE SEEN NOT HEARD. The second is taken so you can see the reflectiveness of the sequin.
I hope you have enjoyed this long drawn out process. Next time I will spice it up a bit as I am experimenting a little. Well see what happens!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sorry the posts stopped coming. I took a short break to go camping with the family. We spent the weekend in the West Virginia mountains. How wonderful! It was a much needed break from the norm.
I am also posting a note to all my acquaintances out there who are interested in the arts. A friend (Bridgette for all those who know her) and I will be starting a 'gathering' for all you creative minded folks out there who want to get together to share ideas. We will most likely be gathering once a month. The location and theme' of the night will vary. So, if I did not reach you by email and you are in the Richmond area, please come and enjoy an evening with us and talk about all things creative....maybe even try out some projects of some kind!
Sorry the posts stopped coming. I took a short break to go camping with the family. We spent the weekend in the West Virginia mountains. How wonderful! It was a much needed break from the norm.
I am also posting a note to all my acquaintances out there who are interested in the arts. A friend (Bridgette for all those who know her) and I will be starting a 'gathering' for all you creative minded folks out there who want to get together to share ideas. We will most likely be gathering once a month. The location and theme' of the night will vary. So, if I did not reach you by email and you are in the Richmond area, please come and enjoy an evening with us and talk about all things creative....maybe even try out some projects of some kind!
Monday, July 02, 2007
Here is a little glimpse inside my head. All these ideas and so many of them not really good. Too bright, too shiny, not big enough, to0 big, not enough volume, not balanced, more purple, less pink. All these thoughts, too little time. (I might have to hit all the Dollar stores in town to find the right sparkley things!)Anyway, enough psyco babble; thought you may enjoy seeing all the transformations without knowing what the final result will be.........yet!

Here is a little glimpse inside my head. All these ideas and so many of them not really good. Too bright, too shiny, not big enough, to0 big, not enough volume, not balanced, more purple, less pink. All these thoughts, too little time. (I might have to hit all the Dollar stores in town to find the right sparkley things!)Anyway, enough psyco babble; thought you may enjoy seeing all the transformations without knowing what the final result will be.........yet!
Saturday, June 30, 2007
I have been thinking lately about the difference in a couple of terms I hear people use all the time; Finding time verse Making time. I think people should be aware that there is a very big difference between the two. Finding time leaves you at the mercy of a life that just keeps rolling. It is like trying to jump onto a moving roller coaster. At least that is my experience. On the other hand making time leaves you in control. This is the way I prefer. I believe it starts with trying to adjust your terminology. Start telling people you are making time for something. Positive thinking is the biggest part of the battle. I also actually put stuff like laundry onto my calender on a particular day. That way it is in the schedule and I have made time to do it. The biggest challenge for me has been making the time being that I have a family and many other obligations so I find that if it is personal or exercise time I am trying to make time for I have to make it really early or after bed times.
ON GETTING UP EARLY: I have to recommend this! Doing some serious exercise before half the world is up is amazing and gratifying! A bonus is seeing the sun come up and the mist rise from the grasses. I mean really, how often can you feel like you are in a Henry David Thoreau novel!
So the challenge for today or this week is: MAKE TIME TO DO SOMETHING FOR YOU. You will feel better and when you feel better you want to do more of the same. Its like a drug!
I have been thinking lately about the difference in a couple of terms I hear people use all the time; Finding time verse Making time. I think people should be aware that there is a very big difference between the two. Finding time leaves you at the mercy of a life that just keeps rolling. It is like trying to jump onto a moving roller coaster. At least that is my experience. On the other hand making time leaves you in control. This is the way I prefer. I believe it starts with trying to adjust your terminology. Start telling people you are making time for something. Positive thinking is the biggest part of the battle. I also actually put stuff like laundry onto my calender on a particular day. That way it is in the schedule and I have made time to do it. The biggest challenge for me has been making the time being that I have a family and many other obligations so I find that if it is personal or exercise time I am trying to make time for I have to make it really early or after bed times.
ON GETTING UP EARLY: I have to recommend this! Doing some serious exercise before half the world is up is amazing and gratifying! A bonus is seeing the sun come up and the mist rise from the grasses. I mean really, how often can you feel like you are in a Henry David Thoreau novel!
So the challenge for today or this week is: MAKE TIME TO DO SOMETHING FOR YOU. You will feel better and when you feel better you want to do more of the same. Its like a drug!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Well, I thought I may be done and now I see the photographed images I am not as confident. I see some issues but I am not going to mention them because I need some objective advise. Let me know your thoughts about this piece. It could be anything. You could tell me you hate it and that would be fine but at least let me know why! I gave multiple vieiws so you could get a clearer idea of what it looks like. Okay, so done but not really done. Please send some thoughts!

Well, I thought I may be done and now I see the photographed images I am not as confident. I see some issues but I am not going to mention them because I need some objective advise. Let me know your thoughts about this piece. It could be anything. You could tell me you hate it and that would be fine but at least let me know why! I gave multiple vieiws so you could get a clearer idea of what it looks like. Okay, so done but not really done. Please send some thoughts!
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