Okay, so I have to admit, this work is taking me forever. I also have to admit my work ethic has been less than admirable. However, to play devils advocate, I have to say I have been researching quilts and what I have discovered makes me nervous. The discovery is; there are some AMAZING quilts and AMAZING QUILT ARTISTS out there! I have linked you to the quilt festival site but reallly I have had a blast just checking out fellow bloggers sites!
Why am I nervous you ask....well I am afraid my little novice quilt may embarrass me at the Mid-Atlantic quilt show. That said, I am swallowing my pride, doing my research (a thoughtful friend just dropped me Quilting Arts magazine, Cloth, Paper, Scissors, and a bunch of other really neat magazines) and am going to practice some true quilting techniques.
If you follow this blog at all you will realize I am a portrait/mixed media artist turned quilter of late. I had no idea how involved quilters are with art, mixed media etc. So anyway, it has opened up a new world for me and I am very excited!
All that said here is the last bits of work on my "Dreaming" piece.
By the way did you notice I took the photo with the needle and thread still in it. Too lazy to take it out for a photo :)
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