Friday, May 18, 2007


Have you ever felt stuck in your life? You know what I mean, you keep coming up against the same problem. For example, maybe it is laundry. (Bridget this is going to sound familiar). Every time I go to do the laundry I freeze. I can not believe the size of the pile. It just grows and grows and I stand there and wonder how the ****** it is so big! I mean, I just did it yesterday! And why am I getting so worked up and upset anyway. It is not that the task is that hard. I would understand if I had to go out back with a scalding hot tub and rub it down with lye. But really, all I have to do is push a button or two. So why do I get stuck with this anger each time. Well, if you have those kinds of issues and maybe even some other more serious types, the featured book on the right is for you. Pema Chodron is a wonderful speaker and writer. I have her book on tape so I can listen to it. I mean, I don't have time to read when I am doing so much laundry right :) She is so clear and really diffuses me. So, if you need that kind of thing, give it a try.

You can click on the "Click and Listen" videos on the right hand side, of Pema Chodron and they give you a little snippets of what she is about. Some are a bit hard to hear, so sorry. I suppose you could go straight to YouTube and get more videos if you are interested. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. I can sympathize with your laundry problem. LOL!
