Thursday, November 26, 2009


A good friend told me I must check out the December issue of Metropolitan Home the other day and much to my surprise there were "The Tudors" on many of the Metropolitan Home's Showtime House pages, both in concept and with art. If you follow my blog or my art then you would know that this came as a very pleasant surprise to me as I have been working, for the past year, on a King Henry the VIII series of him and his wives. Fun to compare how the designers and other artists have represented this same theme!

Jane Seymour, 2009, 12"x16", mixed media on canvas

Anne of Cleves, 2009, 12"x16", mixed media on canvas

Young Catherine (of Aragon), 2008, 12"x16", mixed media on canvas

King Henry, 2008, 12"x 16", mixed media on canvas

Tuesday, November 03, 2009


What are you thoughts on curators spending time in the museum galleries they curate? In a recent article in ArtNews I stumbled across a response from a museum director explaining their new policy for having curators spend some time in their "spaces". Seems like there is some controversy. My opinion, couldn't be better.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Mixed Media, "Free Fall"

These babies are stitched and then partially embedded into plaster.

2009, detail of Free Fall, mixed media

2009, 12"x12", Free Fall, mixed media

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Hand stitched, free floating portraits made in silk and cotton embroidery floss.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


I have been holding an after school and summer art class for many years now. I currently have four students in a class aged 6 and 9. We chose together that we would like to try out some sculpture. The way it works is we just try out what we are inspired to make, quite like an artist would. Well, I have been very inspired by the artist Tim Hawkinson lately and I thought I would introduce them to some of his work. Also, I thought Cristo tied (no pun intended) into this theme very well. these artists can really unleash the student fantastical side! I started by showing them some video and slide show clips of Tim Hawkinsons work on the website of Art 21- art in the twenty first century. Great site! Definitely worth spending some time on!! Before I could even finish showing them his "Drip" artwork they where physically wiggling trying to get to their seats to start! After seeing some of Cristos earlier wrapped pieces they were calling out ideas of what they could do. I spent some time as we were looking at the works redirecting their questions and turning them back to them. for example, "What is that thing right there?" ...from me, well hum what do you think it is? They were ready with an answer for every turned around question. What and energizing, fun and stimulating activity for us all!

Then we began to draw. They were to do a rough sketch. After that to do a contour like drawing to make sure they had all the details in. We used these as blueprints to discuss a material list. I reminded them of the kinds of materials Hawkinson and Cristo would use.....recycled or easily accessible kinds of materials. Coming up with interesting materials is definitely part of the fun for them. I have an photo of one of the plans. I will post more later so look back for an update!

Mary's plan

Sculpture supplies

Zoe's plan

Sunday, September 06, 2009

New Happenings

I am posting a ton of links for you to check out. To get details and schedules you can click on the link for any of these events. Happy clicking!

First and foremost, a solo show at Main Art Richmond, Virginia starting in April. Please click the link for specific details.There is plenty of time to get this one on the calendar!

I will also have a couple of works in Think Small art show to take place at Art 6 and Artspace of Richmond,VA.The show will take place between November 6th and December 20th 2009.

In addition, I will be the featured artist in January for the Greater Richmond Chamber of Commerce's Extraordinary Women's Exchange speaker series. If you haven't gotten ticket you can go to their website e and sign up. Should be inspiring!

Last but not least, my art quilt "Pondering" will be traveling with Fiber Force curated by Lisa Chipetine president of Studio Art Quilters Association. The Fiber Force Exhibition will tour the Mancuso Quilt Show Circuit for one year.
..for a complete list of the Mancuso Quilt Show dates and locations, visit Mancuso Quilt Fest
Lots on the plate for me and hopefully a few more in the months to come. Stay posted :)

Friday, August 21, 2009


This painting is not complete, just a few "tweeks" to change the mood and tighten some things up.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Saturday, August 08, 2009

A Night With Gypsy Roots

Thomas Wakefield of Gypsy Roots

Me and Thomas.

Gypsy Root CD cover I created.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


Monday Morning Series; Cheri, 16"x 20" oil and charcoal on paper

Friday, June 26, 2009


I have been so busy teaching and creating that I have neglected my blog. I hope you are all out there enjoying a nice summer. I am posting a video that I have been working on. let me know what you think and come visit me on FACEBOOK and YouTube!

Monday, May 18, 2009


This piece has just been included in a traveling group show entitled Fiber Force curated by Studio Art Quilters Associations vice-president soon to be President Lisa Chipetine. The work will travel on the Mancuso Show Circuit- Quilt Fest. It will travel the circuit from October 2009 - September 2010. It and all the others will be very well traveled quilts :)

Monday, May 04, 2009


Leda, approx. 6" x 6", embroidered cotton and silk thread, free floating, 2009

detail of Leda, approx. 6" x 6", 2009

I have included a couple shots of the new piece I am working on. When I get to photographing it on the new frame I will post it. I had some plexiglass frames made that are very cool and am hoping they will really make the work pop. What you see in the images is a faint double is not your eyes needing adjusting. this pieces floats away from the wall and leaves a shadow.


I wanted to let my readers know that I have linked up with Home
a home decorating site. They have included my site to there link list and it can be found if you click on their "others" link at the bottom of the page and scroll for Arts, Photography and Graphic Design category. Thank you all fro following me along on my art journey :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Trying to keep up with this is like a double edged sword. I love to do it but if I do I am loosing time for the other work, such as my art, planning for classes, life etc. So anyway, sorry for such lack in posting. I have been up to a few things and thought I would just post a few images this time. First and foremost, I have designed and worked collaboratively with children from my children's school to create a quilt for their auction.

The main image, the flourish, was sketched on by me while the quilt top was whole. I then divided it into six large rectangles. Then each couple of children were given one large section to paint with fabric paint.

The birds and insects were drawn and then an inkjet transfer was done to affix the image to fabric, fused and then hand-appliqued for stability. Each medallion was hand-embroidered around with blanket stitch and each name was hand-embroidered with back stitch.

Lots of Work, Lots of Love!


Here is some of the personal work I have been doing, which is minor in comparison as this took much time!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Okay, so I know you think by now I am no longer working and have succumb to artist block or something more dreary but truly I have not. Since the last thing I posted was a sketch for a painting I will take up there. I did indeed finish that sketch and gesso it in. I have not painted it yet as my studio is freezing! and I am now a wimpy southerner but I promise I will return to it. I did however, get on a roll on the drawing side of things and have completed many of this kind of portrait. Here is one entitled "First Communion", image courtesy of my good friend Dana. This piece will be a part of an overall show I am planning on Ritual and the Color White in a Womans' Life (or something like that).

First Communion, 19" x 24", gesso and charcoal on paper, 2009

I have also just come back from a symposium in Williamsburg, Virginia on 400 Years of Quilting - Quilted Fashions. this site gives a brief description of colonial Williamsburgs' workshops and lectures. Contrary to the title it was not all about fashion but just everything to do with quilting in the early times of our country. There was some absolutely outstanding academic and scholarly research presented on styles and periods of quilting, from the differences in stitching to particular styles coming from regions of our country. Here are links to some of the presenters Linda Baumgarten curator of textile and costume for Colonial Williamsburg , Lynne Zacek Bassett author of Massachusetts Quilts and Alden O'Brien curator of costume and textiles with DAR Museum in Washinton, D.C.and some images in case you are interested in doing a little of your own research. Please keep in mind that these are all done by hand, by women who probably had at least 6 children, but some of who probably also held slaves or indentured servants. The materials in these clothes indicate these women were most likely very wealthy but the impeccable and absolute awe inspiring detail of the work cannot be denied whom evers hands, slave or non-slave, white or wealthy worked on these items. These are works of art! Please click on these to see the astonishing hand worked details!

I also attempted to go to the Mid-Atlantic Quilt show as I had my piece "Smoke" accepted. I really wanted to take my children as they have not been to a quilt show yet and I thought they would love it but unfortunately we got taken down by all varieties of flu, bronchitis and general nasty viruses so we opted to lay low and catch the next one.

Smoke, 26" x 26" approx., satin, canvas and lace with acrylic paint, quilted, 2008

Finally, I have been working on my hand-stitching and quilt making in these cold days. It is so much nicer to sit under a blanket and stitch then stand in my freezing basement and paint as my hands turn to ice! So I leave you with a little bit of what I have been doing these days, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Trying to find myself in my art.

Head of Leda, 12"x 12", silk embroidery on stabilizer,2009

Greek Weaving, 12" x 16", mixed media, including canvas weaving and encaustic, 2008/9

Kathryn Howard, 12" x 16", mixed media, fabric work, 2008/9

Anne of Cleves, 12" x 16", mixed media, fabric work, 2008/9

Hope you all have maintained health and happiness. Happy art making!

Thursday, January 08, 2009


I know you have seen this but this is the professional photo. Looks great.

Monday Morning Series: Bridgette, 2008, 19" x 24"