Sunday, January 07, 2007

Beading Details on Dreaming

I have started beading "Dreaming" and have found that I don't like the red. So now I have to go out and find a good red. However, that said, I may drop the red all together and go with another color. I have alot more beading to do and now that I will have to rip out the red it will take even longer. Such is life. I love the beading part anyway. If you have the desire, I have found some great sites and information on beading. You can visit The Lone Beader, and BeadLust. Both of these are blogspot addresses. Thanks for sharing your great sites folks! Some others are; Cartwright beading supplies, and for inspiration - Japanese Embroidery Center.


  1. I just ripped out work that I did 3 times tonite!! So, don't get discouraged... And, thanks for mentioning me=:)

  2. HI Beth,
    Thank you for visiting my site. I only have this
    blog. I dont knkow if you went to the archive or old
    posts but I have some work there although not really
    in the portrait/embroidery style. My main work, the
    portraits and embroidery, is very new for me. It
    takes quite a while so there is not much up. I do
    have a couple older ones which I will hopefully get to
    posting soon. Can you tell me the name of your site
    and I will visit. I am new to blogging and to
    embellishing my portraits so I also love to visit
    other blogs. It helps me see what others are doing
    and figure out techniques etc. I will try to post
    images in the next few days. Best of luck. Post to me

    Heidi Alvarez -Alvarez Art
