Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Pink Dress

I don't really know a whole lot about this dress but I like it. I will probably use this color scheme in combination with the "Girls" daguerreotype in yesterdays post. I also like to experiment with the ruching,pleating and other sewing techniques found on dresses of this kind.


  1. It seems we were both thinking pink today=:)

  2. HI Beth,
    Thank you for visiting my site. I only have this
    blog. I dont knkow if you went to the archive or old
    posts but I have some work there although not really
    in the portrait/embroidery style. My main work, the
    portraits and embroidery, is very new for me. It
    takes quite a while so there is not much up. I do
    have a couple older ones which I will hopefully get to
    posting soon. Can you tell me the name of your site
    and I will visit. I am new to blogging and to
    embellishing my portraits so I also love to visit
    other blogs. It helps me see what others are doing
    and figure out techniques etc. I will try to post
    images in the next few days. Best of luck. Post to me

    Heidi Alvarez -Alvarez Art
