Friday, June 22, 2007


To an outsiders view my pace may seem like it is slowing down but really it is just slow work! I am now box pleating trim. This is tedious but believe it or not I am digging it. The effect is so cool. I am not too sure how it will look once it is on the faux curtains, but I am hoping I like it considering all the work going into it. I'm sure I'll make it work somewhere.
The photos to the left show some of the stages involved with this pleating. First I iron each long piece so it is easier to make very small hems. After they are hemmed I mark out half inch marks on the back side of the fabric as guidelines for my pleats. Next I fold each pleat and iron each as I go along. You can images the scene in my house as I attempt this during the day with my young children running around and interrupting every five minutes :). Quite funny really! After all the hand pleating and ironing is done I baste to hold the pleats steady. I will fill you in on the rest as soon as it is accomplished, hopefully in this century.

So anyway, I love historical costume sites because these people really know what they are doing! So much research and all I have to do is click on their site. Can't beat that. Check this one out; for box pleating. Also, if you are cruising around and wasting a Friday night, check out this cool dress. The detail at the neck reminds me of box pleating. Heaven of Gowns has some amazing dresses and stuff.
I didn't mention on my last post the site of the Virginia Museum Studio school in case anyone wanted that link. It is; Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. Just hit the link for education and it will bring you to a site where you can find out about the Studio school.

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