Friday, October 22, 2010

Monday, August 09, 2010
Hello everyone, please click the Alvarez Art link to find out about my new workshop at Uptown Gallery, Richmond, VA. All participants 8yrs. old (accompanied by adult) and up accepted! Please come and join me to find out some of my mixed media secrets.

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Quick post today. Here are some links on Fiber and Technology.
San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles
Zero1 The Art and Technology Network
Build Your Own World Biennial
Digital Arts, New Media - Tim Hawkinson, Theo Jansen
I don't know whether it is a good idea or not to add something else to my plate but too many things regarding fiber and film have caught my attention lately so I am feeling a need to research how and where these to things collide. This will be the place where I will post my findings. It is a method of collecting all the stuff I want to see in one place. It is my media journal. I will give it the tag, Fiber and Film so if you ever want to find and see all the items I've collected it will be right there at the touch of a button!
So keep in mind that it will be a totally random collection at first. After a time I will probably come back and try to organize it in some way. Warning: I am not a very organized thinker so dont expect too much.
This is a link to a podcast I just found today called, filmandfiber's Podcast
Another great podcast hosted by LibSyn.com.
This is a good article on photographing fiber in Fiber Arts magazine. If any of you have tried doing this you will know that it tends to be very difficult. I would suppose this is especially if you are not a trained photographer.
Oh, and please note the new change in design. Blogger is getting up to speed on a few things it seems. Also notice the important link buttons at the bottom of each post. You can mail things or link to Facebook etc! Use them, they are fun!!!
Well, I am out of time today. Hopefully, I will have some images for you next time.
Monday, July 05, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Here is a the piece Features Fade I just hung at artspace, Richmond, VA. It is a hand stitched and strung free-floating embroidery. It is embroidered on a special fabric and then melted over a period of time in this kind of water fountain frame I created. It is my version of a sand mandala. It is about the process of letting go and also, in part, implies the necessity of letting go of notions of a particular beauty as we age. Thank you to D and G Plastics for helping me with all my special needs in the plastic department!
Friday, June 11, 2010
The first image is my take on a baby quilt. I have been working with whites and textures. I have been enjoying what I can do with both paint and fabric and the color white. The next images are a piece called Features Fade. This piece is a type of water fountain. The stitched portrait in front dissolves over time as the water drips onto it.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

artspace, Richmond, Virginia
Suzanne Foley Gallery -
"Stitched Together"
Heidi Field-Alvarez and JoAnna Hickman
Main/Frable Gallery-
"Pushing The Limits"
Curated Invitational Fiber Exhibition coinciding with Minds Wide Open: Virginia Celebrates Women in the Arts Exhibition dates: May 28 - June 20, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010
Okay, so I'm experimenting with my uploading my movies to my blog again. A bit boring I know but a glimpse into my set up. Seems like this computer stuff takes alot of time. I should rally be stitching on a piece for my upcoming show, "A Stitch Through Time", at Main art next month but here I sit.
Friday, February 05, 2010

Okay. lets talk about thimbles. I had to take a break from sewing because my fingers hurt a little to much to push my needle through my quilt sandwich. I am thinking the basting spray I used has made it a bit tougher so that is something I wanted to talk about. Also, I am disappointed with some of my thimbles. So here are my questions. If you have any thought about this PLEASE comment. I need some help!
1. Does basting spray make it harder to get through the layers?
2. What have you found to be the best needles to go through think layers? I seem to have on that I return to over and over. It is old! I got it from one of my grandfathers kits and have no idea what it is. It is longer then a quilting needle. Thick and very sharp. I love it because it does not bend and pierces all the layers very well but I am afraid I will loose it and want another. Suggestions?
3. I love my leather thimble but the small seems too big. It slip around. I love that it is long and hard at the tip and one side. Looking for other suggestions.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Heidi Field-Alvarez
Mixed Media Artist
Happy New Year to you! I hope that everyone is refreshed and energized to start off a new year. I am ready to roll and am excited for a new set of classes. I am sending the reminder that I am now having a Wednesday class from 3:30-4:30 in addition to the Friday class 3:30-4:30. Like always, you do not have to worry about bringing anything to class but might want to dress the children in clothes you are not to worried about. I am making a slight adjustment in the payment schedule. In hopes of simplifying payments, I would like to go to an eight week installment program. Therefore, the length of the sessions are eight weeks. Every eight weeks is a new installment. The schedule is below.
Classes are for students ages 6 - teenagers. Also available for portfolio consultation.
Please call with questions! 740-9302
Each Eight Week Installment is $120.00 per child
Installment I
January 6 - February 24th
January 8 - February 26th
Installment II
March 3- April 28
March 9 - April 30
Installment III
May 5 - June 23
May 7 - June 25
Summer Camp (tentative)
July 5 - July 9
July 19 - July 23
March 31st April 2- Good Friday, June 30th
Mark your calendars!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I have two art works that will be included in Lark Books, 500 Art Quilts. It will hit the market soon. Run out and buy yourself a copy!